Hi, my name is Tobi
I'm the DevOps Engineer.

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Enabling people to build the future is my passion. I love to automate the boring parts of modern IT and strive for standartisation whenever possible. But to me DevOps is more than automation. It is the Skill to look further than CI/CD and bring together the people that should be together as well as optimising processes and empowering people thru technology.

When i am not at my PC i am probably enjoying some music or trying to cook up something nice.

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Helm Chart SonarQube

SonarQube is an automatic code review tool to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells. Due to the growing adaptation of Kubernetes i wanted to make sure that SonarQube can easily be deployed on Kubernetes using Helm. I have been pushing for the adaptation of Kubernetes, moved the SonarSource production instance to Kubernetes, writing helm charts for all editions of SonarQube and publish them on ArtifactHub.

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Docker Images

Also working for SonarSource i maintain and forther optimize the official images for SonarQube and the sonar-scanner-cli image. These images are part of the official library of the Docker Hub. As part of the DevSecOps initiative by the Department of Defense of the Federal Governement of the USA, I brought and maitntain STIG Hardened images there too.

Official Images STIG Hardened Images
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Ansible Testing

Testing Ansible roles can be a challange when it comes to support multiple distributions and environments. In order to solve this problem for myself i created and maintain some generic preprovisioned images that can be used for testing Ansible roles in a CI Environment. These images are easily extensible and provide a good source to test compatibility with different linux flavours as well as validate the result of a role using goss.

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